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  • Responsible for timely communication of any security incident reported in shift to DM and start preparing incident/detailed security reports, upon receiving appropriate approval.
  • Responsible to perform daily functionality checks of CCTV, Microphones, Duress and AC system.  Maintain records, raise fault calls and liaise with relevant department as necessary to keep security systems in optimal working conditions.
  • Responsible for conducting in-depth investigations based on the concern/complain received from internal and/or external stakeholders. Maintain proper track records of investigations and produce factual reports. Flag any trend and propose a mitigation measures to avoid any potential security breach/damage to MATAR.
  • Responsible to lead independently and be a bridge between main Security Control Centre (ASOC) and extended Security Control Centres located at Central Concourse (NSC) and Mid-field Control Centre (MSC).
  • Responsible to conduct regular meetings with MATAR Security System and Hardware team to discuss all operational challenges, scope of amendment and future scope of development regarding Access Control (AC) and Video Management System (VMS) used in ASOC. Incorporate all latest/revised amendments in AC and VMS operated in centralized and extended security control centre.
  • Responsible to prepare, amend and/or revise all BNs, SOP, CONOPS and internal training packages related to ASOC Operations. Always keep document control system (DCS) updated at all Work-Stations in Centralized and extended security control centre.
  • Responsible to conduct AC and VMS on-job training for all new joining staff and conduct recurrent training for existing staff. Adopt a proactive approach to find out the need of tailored training for all staff working at centralized and extended security control centre.
  • Responsible to obtain appropriate approval for extracting CCTV footage and snapshots based on the business needs. Ensure that, if needed, CCTV footage and snapshots are stored and shared as per latest documented process.
  • Responsible to ensure that all asset request permits are processed within stipulated timeframe according to latest documented process.
  • Responsible for periodic field of view (FOV) is conducted for priority-1/2 CCTV cameras to optimize the coverage and provide accurate operational view to expediate the investigations.
  • Responsible to prepare and deliver weekly, bi-weekly and monthly reports related to technical performance of all ASOC security systems, flag any critical trend/loop observed in current system and adopt proactive measures to mitigate any potential system failure/malfunction.




  • Bachelor’s Degree or Equivalent with Minimum 04 years or more experience in Aviation Security Domain.
  • High School Qualification / Vocational Qualification / Diploma or Equivalent (type of Diploma based on role) with Minimum 4 years of job-related experience.
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