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Within delegated authority, the Development Coordination Officer /Economist will be responsible for the following duties: Summary of Functions; 1. Plans, facilitates and consolidates evidence-based analysis of the status of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), providing substantive advice to the Resident Coordinator (RC), Head of RC Office, and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), particularly on elements pertaining to the economic transformation agenda (including green and just transition, digital transformation and the future of work) and SDG financing. 2. Supports the RC, Head of RCO and UNCT in advocacy efforts for the creation of strong partnerships within the UN System, with national counterparts in government and other relevant partners, including International Financial Institutions (IFIs), to support the reframing of economic policies and practices around economic transformation and SDG financing. 3. Coordinates the development by the UNCT, through its Programme Support Team (PST), of an integrated SDG programming cycle including development of roadmaps, Common Country Analysis (CCA) and UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), and UN Joint Programmes, as well as leading Annual Reports and others core documents which advance the economic transformation agenda and outline a clear approach to SDG financing in programming countries. 4. Plans and directs knowledge generation and management around the economic transformation and SDG financing agendas, in support of a shared understanding by the UNCT of sustainable development trends, challenges and opportunities in programme countries. Description of Functions: 1. Plans, facilitates, and consolidates evidence-based analysis of the status of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), providing substantive advice to the RC, Head of RCO and UNCT, particularly on elements pertaining to the economic transformation agenda (including green and just transition, digital transformation and the future of work) and SDG financing. • Researches, analyzes, consolidates, and presents information and data on emerging best practices in economic transformation for sustainable development, including green and just transition, digital transformation and the future of work, among others; paying special attention to gender and leave no one behind (LNOB) principles. • Provides advice on global/corporate guidelines, tools and other materials related to economic transformation and SDG financing. • Works with UNCT counterparts to create common, convergent and coherent key advocacy topics related to sustainable economic transformation and SDG financing, helping identify and analyze entry points for catalytic and consolidated UN policy support options, to enable the transition to more efficient, low-carbon and resilient production and consumption patterns, maximizing social, environmental and economic outcomes that impact the implementation of multiple SDGs and their targets, with proposed ‘accelerator interventions’ that can help unlock and accelerate progress towards sustainable development; • Collects and analyzes data on UN country level operations in support of the implementation of the economic transformation agenda and SDG financing, identifies gaps and proposes follow-up actions; • Working in close collaboration with the UNCT, researches, develops and presents policy papers, guidance notes and other knowledge based-tools, and supports discussion in country-level forums to help influence and advance policy dialogue and advocate to reframe economic policies and practices around economic transformation to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs; • Coordinates the preparation of UN flagship reports on economic transformation and SDG financing, including the analysis of data and the provision of evidence to build the case for policies and interventions on SDGs; • Monitors regional and global economic trends and issues, analyzes their implications for the realization of the SDGs at the country level and recommends additional issues for consideration. • Conducts and consolidates analytical work to strengthen the understanding of the catalytic role of the private sector in the context of green economic transformation and SDG financing; identifying opportunities to create strong partnerships with the private sector as a key stakeholder in the context of economic transformation and green growth. • Analyzes trends and provides advice and support on new and innovative mechanisms for SDG financing, including on global initiatives by the UN and other development institutions. • Provides inputs for briefing papers and discussion/talking points on issues related to SDG financing for consideration by the RC, Head of RCO the UNCT. • Supports UNCT initiatives to advance SDG financing, including in the context of an Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFF). • Provides economic analysis and advice as inputs into the cross-pillar (humanitarian-development-peace) nexus approaches in country. 2. Supports the RC, Head of RC Office and UNCT in advocacy efforts for the creation of strong partnerships with the UN system, with national counterparts in government and other relevant partners, including International Financial Institutions (IFIs), to support the reframing of economic policies and practices around economic transformation and SDG financing. • Fosters peer-exchanges and opens a consistent channel of communication and strong partnerships with economists within the UN System to create and consolidate common, convergent and coherent advocacy opportunities on topics related to economic transformation and SDG financing. • Working in close collaboration with the RCO Partnerships Officer, ensures effective engagement of all relevant counterparts to develop collaboration and partnerships around economic transformation and SDG financing, for example with national planning or economic offices, IFIs, the private sector, etc. • Stays abreast and follows latest developments in analytical work, policy, financial and capacity development support provided by other relevant development partners (including IFIs, bilateral and multilateral partners, academia, the private sector, and others) on topics related to economic transformation and SDG financing and identifies opportunities for collaboration. • Engages with the private sector to strengthen understanding of its potential contribution to the green economic transformation agenda, and to identify private and/or public-private catalytic SDG financing opportunities for the achievement of the SDGs. 3. Coordinates the development by the UNCT through its Programme Support Team (PST) of an integrated SDG programming cycle including the development of roadmaps, CCA, UNSDCF, UN joint programmes, as well as Annual Reports and other core documents which advance the economic transformation agenda and outline a clear approach to SDG financing in programme countries. • Supports the RC, Head of RC Office and UNCT in ensuring a strong macroeconomic and SDG financing analysis through an integrated lens in the preparation of the Common Country Analyses and other analytical exercises; • Identifies issues and proposes recommendations on how UN country-level programming around economic transformation and integrated policy responses can be optimized and better respond to sustainable development needs and emerging trends in country; • Guides the development and implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks, ensuring a strong and integrated UNCT engagement on the economic transformation and SDG financing agendas in the country; • Contributes to the UN joint programming to strengthen the formulation of a new generation of UN joint programmes on economic transformation and SDG financing (including those that are supported by the Joint SDG Fund) ensuring that they are oriented towards investment, and have impact at the national level; • Assists UNCT Results Groups in the implementation of joint workplans to ensure SDG-relevant and SDG-responsive UN operational activities for development; • Proposes recommendations to enhance UN support to governmental and multi-stakeholder processes on policy development and capacity development around the economic transformation and SDG financing agendas. 4. Plans and directs knowledge management around the economic transformation and SDG financing agendas, in support of a shared understanding by the UNCT of sustainable development trends, challenges and opportunities in programme countries. • Promotes collaboration, peer support, innovation, good practices, lessons learned, needs, and opportunities through active participation to local, regional and global communities of practice and knowledge networks within the Resident Coordinator System, across the UN (including the UN Economist Network) and beyond. • Researches, analyzes and presents best practices and lessons learned from implementation of UN policy initiatives and programming around economic transformation, with a view to advising the RC, Head of RC Office and UNCT on actions to strengthen the policy orientation of the UN; • Monitors and analyzes good practices and successful models for SDG financing implemented by the UN in country and elsewhere, and suggests options for developing these into bankable national SDG investment policies and programmes; • Keeps abreast of emerging innovative approaches in the area of economic transformation and SDG financing, and proposes new ways of working, where relevant; • Reflects on processes of his/ her work area at key milestones and generates knowledge valuable to others in the RC system ad UN Country Team.

Tagged as: Management

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