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The Consultant shall designate an individual who shall be responsible on site on behalf of Consulting Engineer as Project Manager to watch and supervise the construction of the Works and to ensure implementation of the works fully in conformity with the agreed contract specifications. The Project Manager designate shall be a competent engineer as defined in Clause 7.1 above and must have a minimum of 15 years’ experience of similar assignments.

The scope of the general coordination works shall cover the following issues:

The process procedure and Format for all general correspondence applicable to more than one Package should be agreed with KAHRAMAA. This is to ensure to take general stand between KAHRAMAA, EPC and ECS and to communicate such agreement to all involved for follow up and implementation.
This will facilitate the following:

A. Correspondence on all General Issues to be similar for all packages – Communication process to be clearer, Consultants shall ensure that all such issues are properly evaluated and also communicated,
– Ensure the awareness of all issues among the ECS and EPC and shall give additional formal importance to the communication circulated on such way,
– Increase effectiveness of communication between all Participants in the Projects,
B. General Contractual Issues
Naturally, issues related to General Conditions of Contract, Terms of Payment, Administration etc., are of general concern of all participants of Projects for which consultancy is being requested and should be coordinated appropriately. Role of PM of Consultant shall be to actively participate in all resolutions and to communicate and explain the reached agreements to all involved.

C. Unification of the Process –
In order to unify the various requirements of Projects for which consultancy is being requested, and also to provide unified reporting system to KAHRAMAA management, Consultant shall be responsible to develop and subsequently to update the following Procedures:

Communication Procedure,
– Execution Reporting of Projects for which consultancy is being requested,
– Invoicing Procedure,
– KALAG Procedure,
– Variation Management Procedure,
– General Commissioning Procedure,
– Interface Management Procedure,
– Sequence of Works Procedure,
– Site Acceptance Test Procedure,
– Type Test & FAT Procedure.
– Etc.
Additional responsibility shall be:
– to prepare procedures, discuss with other consultants and KAHRAMAA and release it for implementation after it is agreed among all concerned. The procedure shall be clear, containing the detailed guidelines, formats of Periodic Reports, typical communication and other forms,
– updating of such procedures as it might be required during the project implementation,
– Consultant PM shall consolidate periodic reports received from other Consultants and prepare overall, consolidated Report for KAHRAMAA management review.

D. General Technical Issues

Consultant PM shall take leading role in any technical issue involving more packages by organizing and leading the meetings and consolidating the agreements.

E. Reporting

Consultant PM shall prepare consolidated periodic reports on various issues (progress, variations, invoicing, commissioning activities, etc.). These reports shall be consolidation of the reports received from respective Focal points for their own areas of responsibility.

Project Coordination: The PM appointed for each of the packages, shall carryout the following services towards his responsibility for overall Project Coordination to achieve the milestone completion dates:

i. Conduct fortnightly interface meetings with all appointed contractors of (for relevant specified areas) and raise action-lists,
ii. Conduct fortnightly/ monthly coordination meetings with all appointed consultants & contractors for all issues related to s/s, cables, Telecom HSE& all associated works (for relevant specified areas) and raise action- lists for regular follow-up till resolution of the respective issue,
iii. to follow-up project implementation, with respect to contract programs/ milestone dates
iv. Submit monthly Overall Project Schedule Monitoring Report

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