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This role contributes to the development, management, and administration of the partnership digital platform and support the digital transformation within the PGARM department. This includes supporting the processes of documentation and management of the executive information and follow-up system under the partnership platform to enhance internal and external stakeholders’ engagement, responsiveness, and progression.

Provide technical support to the implementation of the functions of the partnership Platform, including information aggregation, content search, online interaction, consulting, online education/training, content delivery, and linkages with related websites that would provide opportunities to connect with partners and public and private donors.

Coordinate and support the management of local and international delegations/engagements, including program management, bilateral meetings, liaising with protocol, external affairs, communication, related business units, and regular monitoring of progress made under existing and new partnerships.

Key Accountabilities:

Partnerships Platform Management

Support in identifying the technical requirements and structure of the platform.

Ensure the continuous update and improvement of the information and contents.

Create a directory of the comprehensive profile of various IsDB global partners towards increasing traffic and functionality of the platform.

Participate in promoting the Platform throughout the IsDB Group and the international community.

Manages the platform and ensures continuous content updates pertaining to MoUs, financing and partnership agreements, joint initiatives/programs, etc.

Ensure quality content, comprehensiveness, and accuracy of information in consultation with internal and external stakeholders.

Contribute to preparing long-term strategy and business plan for the Platform and other outreach channels.

Contribute to increasing the utilization of IsDB partnership platform by conducting the outreach activities of the Partnerships division through digital media channels.

Carries out periodic reviews of the Platform for its content, information, and appearance and submits periodic reports to suggest improvements for implementation.

Conduct the vetting/compliance check on all stakeholders on the partnership Platform – donors, NGOs, companies, and others.

Address any compliance/legal gaps with the relevant business units.

Communication, Coordination & Public Relations

Prepare for IsDB’s participation in internal and external engagements with partners, follow up on recording discussion items and decisions, and ensure timely communication and updates to partners on all relevant information via the partnership platform.

Coordinate with relevant business units of the Complex/Directorate to prepare a draft of the IsDB’s delegation mission program and engagement plans ie. logistics, bilateral meetings, etc.

Coordinate with the concerned business units to relay protocol-related information to visitors, dignitaries, and diplomatic personalities who come to IsDB HQ.

Follow up and contribute to the review of progress made in implementing various MoUs/agreements, update the platform regularly, and monitor various joint events and high-level meetings.

Serve as a focal point for communication and logistical arrangement with major strategic development partners, such as the MDBs, UN system, and bilateral agencies, Arab Coordination Group, IFIs, and international and regional NGOs.

Contribute to expanding and deepening existing partnerships with international institutions, intergovernmental organizations, and regional and national organizations to leverage new delivery channels for developmental activities.

Contribute to developing and disseminating the communication materials and publication of the bank’s partnerships.

Internal and external coordination

Use digital management systems (such as the Correspondence Platform-JIRA, Engagement Platform, One Drive, and partnership platform) to coordinate and follow up on missions and webinars within the IsDB Group.

Communicate and coordinate with concerned Complexes/Entities well before the missions to gather the required technical information/documents (including the agenda, program, and agreements) and ensure timely review and clearance of these documents.

Ensure timely and proper communication with the different government entities for the readiness of the mission programs and activities.

Communicate with the concerned Complexes and Entities of the Group, including IsDB Group Regional Hubs and international organizations, to arrange IsDB’s participation in local and international events.

Maintaining a directory of internal focal points & ensuring regular communication with them in order to update the partnerships, initiatives, and activities.

Follow up and maintain an updated talking points and briefs repository for HEP and Senior Management for the meetings with counterparts in partner institutions. In close collaboration with bus and entities.

Contribute to the review of MoUs and action plans, progress of implementation of various activities, expiry date amount of financing active or not active MoU

Monitor and follow up on recent IsDB initiatives that are announced through various communication channels to connect them with MoUs/partnership agreements.


Academic and professional qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree in international relations, communication, Information technology or related fields.

Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in partnership management, digital communication, website development, and executive coordination.

Master’s degree / PhD in relevant field is preferred.

Master’s degree in relevant field is equivalent to 2 years of experience.

PhD in relevant field is equivalent to 4 years of experience.

Skills & Necessary Knowledge:

MS Office


Analytical thinking



Project management

Digital Literacy

Attention to details.

Business acumen

Strategic planning

Documents, correspondence, and content management.

SAP, JIRA, Alfresco, Office 365, and database management.


English – Mandatory

Arabic – Preferred

French – Preferred

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